Looking for professional video production and editing services in Wollongong?
Your search ends here!
At PipeWolf Media, we are your trusted partners in the world of video production. Located in the vibrant city of Wollongong, our skilled videographers are seasoned experts behind the camera. Whether you need a captivating video for your business, a memorable event, or any other project, we have you covered.
Our dedicated team comprises two talented videographers and a seasoned producer. Our videographers excel at operating film cameras, setting up lighting, and capturing pristine audio. They handle all the technical aspects, ensuring your video looks and sounds flawless. Meanwhile, our experienced producer takes charge of script and storyboard development, provides on-set direction, and manages every detail of the filming logistics.
Just need something filmed? No problem.
Hire one of our videographers if you need a local camera operator or second shooter – we have filmed for companies all around Australia and internationally. We’re able to follow filming guidelines provided by clients and supply raw footage as requested.
In addition to our top-notch filming services, we boast an in-house video editing team with the expertise to transform existing footage into captivating final products. Your vision is our priority, and we are committed to delivering outstanding results.
We have experience filming and editing corporate and business videos including:
We also have experience filming and live streaming events such as:
If you have an upcoming event or project you’d like us to capture please get in touch, we’d love to work with you.
P.S. If you’re after wedding videography pop over to PipeWolf Weddings – we’ve got you covered.
Contact us today for all your video production and editing needs in Wollongong and beyond.