Our Portfolio

influencers! Episode 5 – Matt Keenan

The majority of our filming and video production work is around Wollongong, Shellharbour and Sydney but sometimes we do film throughout wider NSW and other states. For this filming shoot we travelled to Melbourne.

The set up for this filming is the same lighting, camera and audio set up that we do for all our corporate filming work.

We wanted the footage to feel professional, flawless, and even. This is where it pays off to hire a professional video production company – the equipment and experience required to accomplish fantastic lighting and audio in any environment is something that takes time to master.

A lot of people attempt to do their own filming and editing buy quickly discover there are some problems that are tough to solve, especially poor lighting and echoing audio.

Save yourself the stress – engage a professional videographer from the very beginning. Get in touch – we’d love to work with you.